Academic year


Young talents reinterpret the historical and natural heritage of the Como province by enhancing the new edition of the real estate magazine

The cover for the year 2024 of Borsino Immobiliare, a magazine dedicated to the analysis of the real estate market, boasts an exceptional artistic contribution this year: the works of the students of the Painting and Visual Languages course. A concrete opportunity to put their skills into practice and express their talent by interfacing with a professional reality in the area

The students, coordinated by lecturer Francesca Muratore, after a detailed briefing with the committee of F.I.M.A.A. COMO (Federazione Italiana Mediatori Agenti d'Affari di Como - Italian Federation of Business Agents of Como), embarked on an artistic research path centered on the Como area, which is famously rich in history, culture, tradition and natural beauty. This process resulted in a series of works that not only interpret, but celebrate the cultural heritage and landscape of the province of Como (visible below in the gallery).

Each student had the opportunity to present his or her work before a panel composed of F.I.M.A.A. COMO members. This direct confrontation with a large and diverse audience provided an additional opportunity for growth, allowing the students to test their ability to explain and propose artwork to professionals from a different field than art.

The work that won the cover is by Giuseppe Picardi, a first-year student. It is a small acrylic on canvas titled Sweet Waves and represents a delicate graphic study of the movement of lake water, a theme dear to the student's heart.

The collaboration between the academy and the Real Estate Exchange is not only a virtuous example of how art can effectively dialogue with a wide variety of fields, but also a tangible demonstration of how educational institutions can play a key role in fostering youth talent and supporting the cultural and professional growth of their students. This project laid the foundation for future collaborations, reaffirming the importance of close and fruitful ties between the academy and the local business community.

Gallery of photos submitted for the competition: